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Welcome XREX Advisor — Robert Neivert

XREX is pleased and excited to introduce our advisor Robert Neivert, a serial entrepreneur who has founded or worked at eight companies with four exits. Presently, Robert is a Venture Partner at 500 startups and serves as CEO to ionobell.

“Most crypto companies are focused on the technology, not the solution. XREX is focused on the solution and that is what I believe in.” Robert said.

XREX’s vision is to build inclusive financial access enabled by everyone, especially in emerging economies, which strikes a chord with Robert, who understands how much customers in the foreign currency exchange, B2B cross-border payment, and C2C remittance markets have been suffering.

There are huge problems with convenience and cost in the existing financial system. People have been looking for a better solution, and crypto is among those better ways with untapped potential. Sharing his insights over joining XREX as an advisor, Robert said “XREX helps bring crypto to solve the challenge. I am always excited to collaborate with great people to solve big problems.”

Maintaining a broad domain of expertise, Robert has held leadership positions in products, marketing, and operations. As an investor, he has invested in blockVigil, coinpip, cloudCoffer and many promising startups; as a mentor and advisor, he provides consultation for Cardinal Ventures, Stanford iFarm, and Stanford’s Treehacks and program, etc. He selflessly shares his experience and insight to help companies navigate through challenges and difficulties, and XREX is extremely grateful to have Robert as our advisor.

“Robert brings decades of experience with startup growth, operations, product management, and branding to XREX. A blockchain enthusiast and having served for many years as a Venture Partner to 500 Startups’ blockchain fund, Robert also brings critical value in helping XREX develop our product and go-to-market strategies.” XREX co-founder and CEO Wayne Huang said.

We’re happy to have Robert on board. We believe his expertise will go a long way in making XREX a remarkable company in the crypto movement that aims to achieve global financial inclusion, especially for emerging economies.



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