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Unlock the Value of Your Crypto Holdings with XREX’s Secured Loan

XREX Secured Loan, a feature that allows you to get more value out of your crypto holdings by borrowing USDT, providing you better liquidity and a convenient way to access funds while you continue to hold your cryptocurrencies.

With XREX’s Secured Loan feature, you can now put your crypto assets to work and unlock their value by using your crypto holdings as collateral and borrowing USDT for trading and other purposes.

This means that you can retain long-term investment potential by holding your crypto while seizing trading opportunities in the crypto market. Please note that the current minimum loan amount is 1000 USDT.

Here are some key features of Secured Loan:

Flexible Loan Terms

XREX offers flexible loan terms to cater to various user requirements. You can choose the loan amount, duration, and interest rate that aligns with your financial goals. The loan repayment process is straightforward, ensuring a hassle-free experience. With XREX’s secured loans, you have the flexibility to tailor the loan terms to your specific needs and effectively manage your borrowing.

Competitive Funding Rates and Transparency

Annual funding rates are adjusted based on market conditions, and you can check for the most up-to-date rates on the XREX app. Currently, the funding rate is at 10% per annum. Funding fees are accrued hourly and that means you repay what you loaned, for how long you loaned by the hour, with no additional charges.

Adjustable Collateral Size and Risk Mitigation

With a transparent loan-to-value (LTV) ratio, take charge of your loan position’s collateral and adjust accordingly to your needs and risk level!

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How does Secured Loan work?
  2. Funding rates & fees
  3. What are the benefits of using Secured Loan?

Happy trading! Build your best crypto trading strategy with spot, short, grid, secured load, and more features on the XREX USD-crypto exchange. If you haven’t downloaded the XREX app, get started here! Enjoy the most secure and safe trading experience on XREX!



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