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USD Deposit Campaign 8 USDT Fee Refund

We hope you have enjoyed and made full use of our USD deposit campaign in May! We will begin the process of refunding 8 USDT deposit fee per deposit.

Here are some important details you need to know:

Refund Method

The deposit fees you have saved during the promotion period will be refunded to you via BitCheck. Please check that the refunded amount is correct before requesting the release of the BitCheck.

Refund Calculation

The amount you receive is determined by multiplying the total number of successful deposits you made during the campaign period of 1st to 31st May. Therefore, this is the calculation for the total amount in fee refunds you should receive:

Total Deposit Fee Refund = Number of successful deposits X 8 USDT

In case you find any discrepancies or believe the amount mentioned in the BitCheck is incorrect, please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Success team.

Thank you for taking part and being a valued member of the XREX community!

The XREX team



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