Cryptocurrencies are volatile; there is no limit to price soar and plunge, and the market runs 24/7/365. In November 2021, we witnessed Bitcoin hitting its highest — over $68,000 — it fell to almost 50% of that in January 2022 which led the entire market into a bearish mode. Such volatile characteristics in cryptocurrencies… ...閱讀更多
XREX is pleased to announce our new feature Earn today, which enables XREX users to start DeFi staking with USDT and earn recurring income. Check out the Wallet page on the XREX platform and start receiving your rewards on a daily basis. Best Security and Minimized Risk By staking through… ...閱讀更多
In 2014, the first stablecoin Tether (USDT) was introduced. Stablecoins are the answer to the traditional financial system for payments and remittances. You might have seen headlines and articles stating how the US has printed almost 80% of all its USD in existence since January 2020, and how much the… ...閱讀更多
If you are told that there are ways you can get the same exchange rate or better rates as shown on or Google when you want to transfer Australian Dollars (AUD) to Indian Rupees (INR), would you believe it? If that sounds too good to be true, don’t fret,… ...閱讀更多
XREX proudly announces support for TRC20-USDT. You can enjoy quicker and substantially cheaper USDT deposits and withdrawals. XREX supports TRC20-USDT, making it easier and cheaper for you to transfer funds. How does TRC20-USDT benefit me? Support for TRC20-USDT is a major step towards making it easier and cheaper for you to transfer… ...閱讀更多
Hawala or hewala is a word derived from the Persian word havaleh, literally meaning transfer or trust. In simple words, hawala can be defined as a money transfer method, which exists outside the purview of the traditional banking system, utilizing two or more hawala dealers (also called hawaladars) for moving… ...閱讀更多
Check out XREX latest updates here. Thank you for all the support you have extended to the XREX team 😀 Please check out the new features in the update! In every update, we deliver a better user experience. Happy trading! Chinese version 中文版:XREX 產品更新公告 October 31, 2022 We are excited to announce… ...閱讀更多
「給我一個國家的鑄幣權,我可不在乎誰有立法權。」邁爾·安塞姆·羅斯柴爾德在1790年如是說。羅斯柴爾德家族在十八世紀發跡,創立並掌握整個歐洲的金融與銀行制度。 “Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws” — Mayer Anselm Rothschild, 1790 近日有幾篇有趣的文章,探討數位美金、數位人民幣與臉書幣Libra,包括區塊勢的 美國以數位美金(USDC)繞過委內瑞拉政權、PeckShield的 USDC 入侵委內瑞拉,美元霸主地位在數字貨幣領域延續?、李禮輝的 陸法定數位貨幣可跨境溢出,以及引述英國金融時報 (Financial Times)消息的 臉書幣Libra明年1月發行,先出「錨定美元」穩定幣、錢包已建完。 這幾篇文章都值得一讀,也讓人感到欣慰,終於有較多人開始探討央行數位貨幣的一個關鍵意義:強勢貨幣、入侵弱勢政權。 英國皇家鑄幣局 一個國家,何謂主權? 當我們討論國家時,勢必會論及主權,何謂主權?立法權是重要元素之一,但鑄幣權也是,所以才有邁爾·安塞姆·羅斯柴爾德的這句經典名言:「給我一國鑄幣權,我可不在乎誰有立法權」。當一個國家擁有強勢貨幣,就獲得入侵弱勢政權的一大能力,那就是搶佔該國的「法幣市佔率」,等同部分入侵了該國主權。 1999年,厄瓜多放棄了鑄幣權,全國改用美金,其實就是將部分主權讓與美國。波多黎各、薩爾瓦多、辛巴威、關島、帛琉、甚至柬埔寨,皆是如此。 印度也是一個人民極愛美金的國家,為了防止美金入侵,印度政府積極防守。印度儲備銀行(Reserve Bank of India, RBI)實施資本管制、介入國內外匯市場,並約束國內銀行、管制個人美金帳戶的開戶。10月開始,根據印度最新規定,海外匯款若一年超過70萬盧比,將被課5%的稅金。 印度政府與印度儲備銀行的所有手段,都是為了防止美金入侵印度。美金如何入侵印度?透過實體美金鈔票。印度政府可以約束銀行不得開立美金帳戶給民眾,但卻無法杜絕實體美鈔的大舉入侵。 央行數位貨幣(CBDC)的真正意義為何? 要真正理解「央行數位貨幣」的意義,或許可以先從實體鈔票論起。就我們日常生活中所使用的台幣,究竟有多少發行量是流通在市場中的實體鈔票?可能約一成(註一),也就是說,大部分的新台幣本來就已經數位化了,他們已經以數位方式存提、紀錄、支付、交易、借貸及贈與。 既然如此,為何央行還需計畫發行「數位新台幣」呢?如果一國法幣,本來就已經大部分以數位存在,何需 「央行數位貨幣」? 「央行數位貨幣」不僅是「數位貨幣」,而是有「數位紙鈔」更深一層的含義。紙鈔有何好處?為何需要數位化?對於強勢法幣而言,紙鈔的一大好處,是可以用來入侵他國主權。以印度為例,印度政府透過各種法規、限制與約束銀行,能夠達成的不過是防堵美金入侵銀行系統。 可是美金紙鈔是可以跳過銀行的,美國用美鈔,一樣可以入侵印度。 現在,隨著虛擬貨幣與區塊鏈技術的快速發展與普及化,央行數位貨幣不但和實體鈔票一樣可以跳過銀行,還是數位化的,每一個人只要用手機下載任何 ERC20 的錢包 app,就可以直接持有! 央行數位貨幣如何入侵弱勢國家?… ...閱讀更多