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Welcome XREX Consulting Chief Financial Officer — Wendy Hsu

Experienced financial executive Wendy Hsu has joined XREX as consulting Chief Financial Officer (CFO). Wendy is a seasoned finance executive based in Silicon Valley. She has a strong passion for building and scaling businesses to success. In her role at XREX, Wendy will set the overall vision and strategic plan for our finance, risk control, metrics building, and fundraising.

Wendy is a seasoned finance executive based in Silicon Valley. She has a strong passion for building and scaling businesses to success.

“I believe cryptocurrency is the future of finance,” Wendy said. “It is poised to transform all aspects of our lives. XREX has a mission to build a new financial system that is trusted, fair, and easy to use to improve payment collections of cross-border merchants and to increase economic freedoms in the world. I am excited to partner with the team to scale XREX to a multi-million dollar global company in the crypto space.”

Wendy has over 25 years of progressive experience with Big Four accounting firms, Fortune 500 hi-tech companies, and top-tier VC-backed / Private Equity start-ups, including Square PandaJumioUstreamSaratoga Systems, ICT Technologies, PwC, and Hewlett-Packard.

Having held CFO positions for several pre-IPO companies in software, SaaS, blockchain, semiconductor, and other hi-tech industries, Wendy raised over $75 million in equity financing and venture debt, and completed several mergers and acquisitions — one transaction including IP transfers. She is also a California-licensed CPA.

“Wendy has extensive experience in exit strategies, international operations, global tax planning, systems implementation, revenue modeling, GAAP and IFRS reporting,” said Wayne Huang, co-founder and CEO of XREX. “We are excited to work with her and optimize our financial strategy to maximize the interest of our investors and the company’s growth. She is an excellent addition to the XREX team.”

XREX has successfully raised $7 million in Series Seed in 2019. XREX’s products, including XREX fiat-crypto exchange, 數位支票 BitCheck online escrow service, and XREX 俱樂部, which is a brand new social trading experience, aims to build a socially-enabled inclusive financial access.

We are excited to have Wendy join XREX as our consulting CFO in the journey to participate in the crypto movement and contribute to the next generation global financial system. Her over 25 years of experience will be a strong support to the global growth and expansion of XREX.



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