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XREX Clubs: Stake and Trade Together to Earn Rewards and Save Fees

The power of community, now with XREX Clubs.

We are honored to launch XREX Clubs, an upgraded version of the previous XREX Circles. XREX Clubs is a social trading community concept that empowers Club members to trade and stake together and enjoy incremental rewards plus lower trading fees.

The more your Club participates in trading and staking, the higher your staking rewards (APR) and savings (fees). There are two roles in XREX Clubs, Club owner and Club member. Who should become a club owner, and who should be a club member? What are the benefits? Let’s explore!

About being a Club owner

Club owners act as XREX ambassadors to onboard and handhold people to their Clubs and access XREX features, including investing, trading, staking, and more. Club owners are trusted by their Club members as opinion leaders and significant support in their crypto journey.

Who should be a Club owner

If you are a crypto savvy enthusiast who always shares information related to crypto with friends and family members; if you really want to help people understand and be benefited from the financial innovations driven by blockchain technologies; if you are a strong believer in community power and you are willing to build one trusted network, you are the right person to create your own Club and invite people to trade and stake together with you!

  • Cross-border merchants

Invite your friends and business partners to utilize crypto for their business payments, receivables, and liquidity maintenance.

  • Crypto opinion leaders

Pioneers like you have been helping people understand and leverage cryptocurrencies properly. XREX Clubs help you expand your followers and consolidate your credibility with the support of a clean and secure platform.

  • Crypto influencers

Grow your community through XREX Clubs and leverage your influence to benefit people and generate your passive income at the same time.

Benefits of being a Club owner

  • Grow your community and influence
  • The more you and your Club members stake, the better rewards rate you share together
  • The more you and your Club members trade, the lower the trading fees
  • Invite new users with your referral code. Earn every time they trade

Scenario 1: Club with many people staking together

Kumar is a Club owner who invites many people to stake together in his Club. Kumar stakes 500,000 USDT and members in his Club stake 600,000 USDT, the total staked in Kumar’s Club is 1.1 million USDT.

If the month-to-month rate is 8% (APR), according to the incremental reward level, Kumar and his Club members will earn 8.2% (APR) and the platform fee is 15% of the earnings. So the effective APR received by Kumar and his Club members is 8.2%*85%= 6.97%

Scenario 2: Club with many people trade together

Rajesh is an experienced importer and he creates his own Club and onboards many new traders to the XREX platform. He always buys USDT with INR for his business payment needs. On average, Rajesh trades around 96,000 USD by himself every month. And the total trading volume of his Club contributed by Club members is around 50,000 USD.

If Rajesh trades without creating a Club, the trading fee will be 0.13%. But managing his Club and inviting more people to trade together, Rajesh and his Club members all enjoy a better trading fee — 0.10%.

XREX Clubs is Rajesh’s best tool to manage and interact with his followers. Rajesh onboards more and more business partners and importers like him, who need to pay their suppliers abroad with USDT. Rajesh enjoys sharing his crypto knowledge and helping people do business with USDT, and he is happy that his Club brings him closer to his Club members and everyone can enjoy a lower trading fee.

Who should be a Club member?

If you are a crypto newbie who needs someone to handhold you; if you are looking for good advice for your crypto investments and digital asset staking; if you want to follow seasoned crypto experts; if you want to be integrated into a trusted and powerful community that can provide services to business or personal purposes, you should join a Club and become a member.

  • Crypto novices

You have been interested in crypto but hesitated to participate because you can’t find a trustworthy guide who can explain the basic knowledge of blockchain and cryptocurrencies before you make the first crypto investment. Club owners can help.

  • Small and micro enterprises

US dollar shortage issues have been an obstacle for your business payments and expansion. You have been looking for a strong and trustworthy network that can support your business liquidity needs. Club owners can help and they are all verified.

  • Traditional financial investors

You are an experienced investor in stock markets, mutual funds, fixed deposits, and other traditional financial investments. New investment opportunities like crypto always attract your attention, however, it’s hard to find the proper channel and right person to introduce crypto to you. Club owners can help.

Benefits of being a Club member

  • Join a trustworthy and credible community
  • Handheld by experienced experts
  • Stake together with all Club members to earn higher rewards
  • Trade together with all Club members to save trading fees
  • Invite new users with your referral code. Earn when every time they trade

Scenario 1: Join a Club with many people staking together

Husan starts staking USDT on XREX because he thinks the fluctuation of the crypto market is too much. He stakes 10,000 USDT and the month-to-month rate is 8% (APR).

Husan wants to earn more but he doesn’t have more capital. He found Raju’s Club on XREX’s Telegram channel. Raju’s Club is very popular and the total staking amount in the past 30 days is 2,560,000 USDT and the APR is 8.5%.

Becoming a member of Raju’s Club helps Husan earn more and Husan teaches him a lot about staking and crypto.

Scenario 2: Join a Club with many people trading together

Suman just made his first crypto investment with 5,000 INR. He is not very familiar with crypto but very interested in knowing more. Suman joins Rohil’s Club through a friend’s referral. Suman learns a lot from Rohil and trades with his fellow Club members to save trading fees.

Suman doesn’t have much money and he is still very conservative because he is a crypto novice. If he trades alone, his trading fee will be 0.5%. But by joining Rohil’s Club, their total trading volume per month is around 5,000,000 USD and the trading fee is only 0.07%.

Besides saving fees, Suman is accumulating his knowledge with Rohil’s handholding and he is also excited to join the trader network and engage with other members of Rohil’s Club.

What’s next?

In our latest release on 16th May 2022, the first phase of XREX Clubs is released. We can’t wait to share more features that make XREX Clubs more sociable and engaging, including an optimized referral program and Club management interface.

Our product team is working on adding more staking projects to diversify your options on staking, including staking different cryptocurrencies and dollar-cost averaging (DCA). We are also building more trading tools, such as grid trading.

FAQ about XREX Clubs

  1. How to create a Club?
  2. How to join a Club?
  3. How to invite users to your XREX Club?
  4. Can an individual create a Club?
  5. Can a company create a Club?

Happy trading and happy staking together with your fellow Club members!

The XREX team



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