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XREX notice: FTT trading pairs temporarily suspended

Dear XREX users,

As the situation unfolds since FTX’s Chapter 11 filing, we’ve decided to temporarily suspend FTX Token (FTT) support from now onwards; the token has become highly volatile and subject to liquidity issues.

Please note that:

  1. all FTT trading pairs are temporarily halted,
  2. FTT deposits are suspended, and
  3. FTT withdrawals remain OPEN.

XREX is making a special effort to help our users during this difficult time by:

  1. increasing your balance to 1 FTT for those users who own less than 1 FTT; this will ensure smooth withdrawals, and
  2. providing special help to those users who’d still like to sell FTT on XREX.

Please contact our Customer Success team via support@xrex.io or the in-app customer service chat if you prefer to have XREX help you sell your FTT tokens.

Please be advised to not trade, convert, or deposit FTT on XREX. FTT withdrawals are still OPEN. All other currencies listed on the XREX exchange remain unimpacted.

Once again, thank you for the trust you’ve extended to us. XREX will continue to provide the most trustworthy and secure services.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us via support@xrex.io or the in-app customer service chat.

The XREX team



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