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We’ve Got a New Look! Check out XREX’s New Website!

We are excited to announce the launch of XREX’s new website! Since we started in 2018, the XREX team has worked on realizing our ideas and has developed a series of blockchain-driven products and features, including a fiat-crypto exchange, 數位支票 BitCheck, Risk Level Detectors, XREX Circles, and more. We have been working hard on solving the dollar liquidity and timeliness issues in emerging markets, taking steps in realizing our vision of redefining banking.

We are honored and excited to present the new website xrex.io to further visualize and communicate better with our worldwide community of customers, investors and regulators. It showcases how XREX is leveling the playing field with a collective financial ecosystem we have built, by onboarding merchants, businesses, and working professionals to participate in the global economy.

The new version includes changes to the entire website structure and visuals, making it more brand-oriented and product-oriented for our potential clients and partners. Visitors to the website will be able to learn about our suite of services and understand our core values and ideology.

You’ll also be able to explore more about the XREX platform, products, investors, media coverages, and our team.

XREX strives to deliver services that provide a secure, fast, and efficient transaction experience for our users in India, Africa, the Middle East, South East Asia, South America, and other countries.

We hope you like our new design and changes. If you have any feedback or spot a bug, please let us know at info@xrex.io, or on Discord, Telegram, Twitter, Facebook, 部落格, and LinkedIn.

Let’s redefine banking together!



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